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Bullpup Bark w/o 2/24/25

Posted Date: 2/24/25 (4:00 AM)

Bullpup Bark
Bullpup Bark
Together We Grow
February 24, 2025
Here comes the sun...
Hooray! Spring is in the air and the sun is finally shining through. This is such an exciting time of year as life around us starts to come out of hibernation. I tend to be the kind of person who does not like the cold so winter always puts me in a funk. Fortunately, the sun is starting to shine more bringing back the warmth that is the sign of spring. Without the sun, we can't have new growth and if we fail to grow, we become stagnant. I want to remind all of our families that you are the sun that brings new life to the lives of our students. Please continue to feed their growth with warmth and light. I am so excited to welcome spring and all of the new growth that the light of learning brings.
Know Your Rights Workshop
MUSD will host a "Know Your Rights" workshop webinar. Families will learn about immigration rights and can have questions answered. This event will be held on Saturday, March 1st starting at 10am online.

Please use the following links to:
Join the webinar
Pswd/Clave: 539454

To submit questions for the webinar
RAT both
MEF Read-a-Thon is almost here!
Dear Bullpup families,
Martinez Education Foundation is excited to announce the second annual MEF Read a Thon, supporting MUSD elementary school literacy and library services. MEF will match the first $25k in donations! All funds raised will be equally spent among the four elementary schools.
We hope to see widespread participation across MUSD elementary schools! Please see the attached information sheet about the event and the instructions to register your child onto the Read a Thon platform, Pledgestar.
With any questions, reach out to .
Breakfast Reminder
Please remember that we offer free breakfast to all of our students from 7:45-8am. This is also a reminder that morning breakfast is not daycare for students. Every student who attends breakfast needs to eat a school breakfast. Recently, we there has been an increase in students at morning breakfast not eating breakfast. If you need support with morning care, please feel free to reach out to Woodbridge at 925-228-0672. Thank you.
Intent to return to LJE next year
Bullpup Families, 
As we plan for the next school year, it is very important that we have the most accurate information about our enrollment. Please complete the Intent to Return 2025-26 form by Friday, March 7 to advise if your child will attend Las Juntas Elementary in the fall 2025. Thank you!

Important Dates, Information, and Resources
Upcoming Events
  • Mon-Fri, 2/24-2/28: ELPAC Testing
  • Monday, 2/24: MUSD Board Meeting @6:30pm
  • Friday, 2/28: 5th Grade MLK Musical@ 9am
  • Mon-Fri, 3/3-3/7: Read Across America & LJE Spirit Week
  • Tuesday, 3/4: PTA Meeting @ 5:30pm
  • Thursday, 3/6: SSC Meeting @ 3pm
  • Monday, 3/10: No School/Staff PD
  • Wednesday, 3/12: LJE Class Photos
  • Thursday, 3/20: Dine & Donate @ Jack's
  • Thursday, 4/3: Minimum Day
  • Fri.-Fri, 4/4-4/11: Spring Break
  • Mon-Thurs, 4/21-5/1: SBAC Testing for grades 3-5
School Information
Over the past few weeks, LJE had the highest attendance this past Thursday and Friday at 96.94% both days. This is also the first time that we've seen such high positive attendance on a Friday. Our lowest day of positive attendance was Friday, 2/7 with 92.72% attendance. Thank you all for your ongoing hard work to make sure are students are at school each and every single day.

This is a reminder that daily and on time attendance dramatically impacts academic gains for students. Thus, being tardy and/or absent may hinder a student's understanding of a new concept introduced in class. Our students deserve the opportunity to thrive and grow so please help them meet grade level standards by ensuring they are at school every day on time.

Lastly, please remember that if you need to schedule a doctor's appointment for your child, it's best to schedule it at the beginning or end of the day so that your child can attend school for a majority of the day. Please make sure to get a doctor's note and give it to Tracey so that we can excuse the absence. Thank you.
Useful Links & Information
LJE PTA Corner
PTA News
Greetings Bullpup families!
Thank you so much to all of our amazing families who supported our Valentine's Dance. Your support was seen in so many ways, from attending the dance, donating food, volunteering to set up, to name a few. We greatly appreciate you!

If you want to find ways to get involved, consider attending our next PTA meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30pm. Our meetings are hybrid so please feel free to join us in the old admin building or online with this link:

Meeting ID: 876 5112 2173
Passcode: 199546
Bullpup Gear
If you're still looking for Bullpup gear, please visit our Bullpup Gear online store at: